Friday, September 05, 2008

Inglenook Doctor Book - part 2

Yesterday we introduced the Inglenook Doctor Book published in 1903. Today we share some sample remedies from the book.

91. - To break up a cold, drink hot lemonaide before retiring at night.
92. - adds: ...and soak the feet in hot water before going to bed.

119. - Coughs: Equal parts rock candy syrup and brandy, and half as much glycerine, taken in small quantities at short intervals. - D.M. Weybright, New Paris, Ind.

171. - Bronchitis: Mix two tablespoonfuls of cod liver oil, the juice of two large lemons, and one-fourth pound of pure honey. Dose, one teaspoonful occasionally. - Mrs. Ainge, Elkhart, Ind

235. - Measles: Give the patient all the cold lemonade he can drink. This will drive out the measles, check the fever and loosen the cough.

301. - Vomiting: Drink a glass of cold water as cold as you can get it. If vomiting continues repeat the dose.

397. - Sick Headache: Bruise the leaves of horseradish, wet in cold water and bind on the forehead. Wet it again when it becomes dry. Keep it on for an hour or more.

402. - Headache: Put a cold cloth to the head and a bottle of hot water to the feet.

667. - Splinters: To draw splinters from the flesh, apply a poultice of soft soap made of ash lye.

671.- Burns: To draw the fire out, apply cider applebutter immediately.

833.- For baldness, pound fine one-half pint of the kernals of peach seeds, put them in one pint of good cider vinegar and use as a wash. - Goshen, Ind.

Source: Inglenook Doctor Book