Saturday, February 02, 2008

Life on the Indiana Frontier - Part 2

John Wagoner of Anderson tells of a tradition in his family about some of his Indiana ancestors who encountered Indians. Indians on hunting trips occasionally entered the area where this family lived in central Indiana and sometimes stopped at the log cabin to ask for food. The family always welcomed them and gave them something to eat.

The father of this pioneer family had to take some corn to market, a journey of several days. He was careful to make sure they had enough food for the time he would be gone, but heavy rains set in soon after he left. When he tried to return, he found the creeks and rivers had gushed over their banks, and he was unable to cross them for some time. The family's food supply soon began to dwindle without the father there to supply fresh game.

After a few weeks, a band of Indians knocked on the family's log cabin door and asked for food. The wife tried to explain her predicament and told them she had very little food. The Indians forced their way inside to see for themselves, but left after they were satisfied she was telling the truth. The Indians returned later, but did not stop at the cabin to ask for food. After they left, the family found a large piece of fresh venison left for them on a nearby tree stump.

Source: Planting the Faith in a New Land: Church of the Brethren in Indiana