Saturday, December 20, 2008

On Earth Peace

On December 20, 1974, M.R. Zigler invited approximately thirty-five persons to join him for dinner at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, MD. That evening twenty-seven persons met and launched the On Earth Peace Conference. This initial meeting included one member of the Brethren Church and twenty-six members of the Church of the Brethren.

The goal of the OEPC was " implement the proclamation that came into the world when Jesus was born." (Luke 2:14)

On Earth Peace has helped fund several books and assisted in the early stages of the Brethren Encyclopedia.

Since the OEPC movement was initially made up of largely Church of the Brethren members, the decision was reached that OEPC should affiliate with the ... Church of the Brethren. That formal affiliation occurred in September 1976. In August 1981, OEPC was incorporated as an independent body.

More information about On Earth Peace today may be found at their web site:

Source: The Brethren Encyclopedia