Sunday, November 02, 2008

Kingdom Hope

Dale Brown shares the following story about kingdom hope.

"Shortly before his death from cancer, I had the privilege to visit Harold Row, architect of several Church World Service projects. He shared with me that spiritually he was ready to die. At the same time he dreamed of many ways he could serve his Lord in the future if his health would be restored.

"I have come to see the logic in this contradiction. As Christians, we should live courageously and prophetically in the face of continual bad news of possible destruction of our world. At the same time we are called to live and plan as if our world will continue for a long time. Ours is an apocalyptic hope, a hope that refuses to be buried in evidence pointing to disaster.

"It is a hope that inspires us to watch, pray, serve, and make peace. We know neither the day nor the hour when the kingdoms of this world will become the kingdom of our Lord."

Source: Biblical Pacifism, Dale W. Brown