Friday, May 23, 2008

Remembering L.W. Shultz

A Robert Burns quotation: O would some power the gift to give us to see ourselves as others see us; begins the first chapter of an autobiography of Lawrence W. Shultz. We introduced "L.W." yesterday on the anniversary of his death in 1982. Today we share some of the remembrances in the chapter of Shultz's book titled "Do You Remember"

Donald Durnbaugh: ...(another) area of mutual interest is that of Brethren history. This culminated in our work together on the Brethren Bibliography. I have been impressed of the vigor of your work in collecting and writing books about Brethren families and history, and by your effectiveness in sharing your enthusiasm for history with others. Perhaps most of all I have been impressed by your unflagging energy, persistence, and drive in working at the goals in the church life over the years.

M.R. Zigler: Do you remember when the Church of the Brethren did not have a Brethren Service Program to match the peace testimony of the Mennonites and the Friends? One evening at Elgin we were thinking that something should be done and I said to you, "Go to your hotel tonight and prepare a resolution for the Board of Christian Education next morning." You did it and that was the official beginning of the Brethren Service program.

Rufus King: Soon after I came to join the Manchester College staff there soon came to my office - a short, heavy-set, white-haired man with bushy eyebrows that shaded a deep-set pair of twinkling eyes giving advance notice of an animated personality. With s sheaf of papers under one arm and several books under the other, he had stopped by to leave some freshly printed matter and to share some nuggets of historical interest. In the years since, my contacts and friendship with L.W. Shultz have reinforced that first impression that here is a person with intense historical curiosity and appreciation for his ancestral background and style of life, one with an interest in people, a knowledge of families, a mastery of Indian lore and history, extensive travel jaunts shared with others in America and abroad, and an ability and interest fortunately, to record for posterity his experiences and impressions. L.W. is a promoter and countless numbers have had their lives enriched because of his writings and projects to which he has given his energy.

Russell C. Wenger: Do you remember? I do - It was a day in the twenties (1924) that you, Moyne Landis, and I had spent it in a pleasant and somewhat anxious quest for a camp site on the lake area of Northern Indiana. After much counselling with others, and after a second look at Lake Wabee we recommended it as the site for our church camp in this area. It was not an easy decision, but it came to all three of us almost simultaneously that evening at the lakeside that "THIS IS THE PLACE".

Source: People and Places: An Autobiography by Lawrence W. Shultz